Ive had my 2 pet rats for 2 years and never had a problem.i bought my rats a new water bottle and adopted a new rat but the new rat... cerit...
Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
My cat broke his two middle toes on his rear leg. Vet put a splint bandage on it after xrays. He had it on for 4 weeks and the other day... ...
Read : Question: Help, cat keeps getting out of his splint bandage!?
I've never had fish or anything like that. I'm interested in getting some easy beginner fish such as platies, but I'm also inter...
New colt came in from a large TB sale yesterday. This morning he was trying to get his head wedged in the stall door so I threw... cerita de...
I would like to start walking dogs to get some extra money but i do not wish to walk gaurd dogs like Dobermans, mastiffs, pitbull, german sh...
My boxer, (Female, 1 year and 3 months) seems to become aggressive towards my GSD (Male, 5 months). The GSD is potty... cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: Is my boxer being aggressive or just jealous?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Hi, Around a month ago I won a goldfish at a fare, and I called the goldfish Fred. I've done a lot of research and now I only notice... ...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: Can I use beach sand to sand bath my hamster?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I had two sick horses with the flu transported in my trailer. I bleached the whole trailer twice, but what's the best way to clean the h...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: How do I know if my dog has arthritis in his back leg?
Cooked? Raw? With or without the shell? cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dew...
I have a 15g TEMPORARY QUARANTINE tank with a 30g rated Hob running at approximately 76/77 degrees with low-light to reduce stress for new f...
Read : Question: African Cichlids (Peacocks). Quarantine tank. Aggression problems. Please some ideas?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: Someone got the evil within game and sleeping dogs game and it was not me ?
A little over a day ago at about 2am my mom let our maltese outside to go to the bathroom. She frequently goes outside and roams freely but ...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: I was recently told that I'm too aggressive and hoity-toity.?
I found this dog in my apartment complex, i asked around and no one claims her. I have tryied to give her away and no one wants her... cerit...
Read : Question: Does the Hattiesburg Humane Society accept Gulfport strays?
My dog always had the 'puppy' look. People would question if she was an older puppy cause of her face, when she was around two years...
Yesterday my baby jungle carpet python came in, can I began handling today? I'm asking because i know they can be a little nippy. cerita...
Read : Question: New Snake help?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: What is this white slug that sticks to my live rock plz help?
What would be a good diet for a horse that is very lightly ridden but does not have access to a grassed paddock to graze on? What would you ...
Read : Question: Good horse diet?
I can never decide! Ha! they're all gorgeous; I can't pick. They're my favorite snake and I'm SOOOO owning one (or four) onc...
I have canary this is 2 time she has 4 egg first time after 1 month I throw them the bin not hatchin aftre 1 week she make another 4 eggs ag...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: How long for male Rottweilers to "fill out"?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: When my cat brings a mouse in, should I save the mouse or let her kill it?
I found a kitten that is 5 weeks. He is finally going potty but now he is constantly wanting a bottle. I know to already wean him... cerita ...
how many litres in a tank that is 200cm long x 50 wide x 50cm high? cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewas...
Read : Question: How many litres?
I live alone. I am gone 8/14 days for ten hours a day at work. Other then that, I am home. I know I can give it the love and... cerita dewas...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I had to lock my cat out of my room last night, (because she attacks my dog when she's pregnant and gets worse the closer she is to... c...
I saw an ad for the bObsweep pet hair and with everything it claims to do, I'm wondering if it's too good to be true. I have small d...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Its funny but when I brush her or only with my hand, when I touch the back part of her back, near her tail, she (i guess) loves it, and she ...
Read : Question: When I brush my cat she does funny things with her tongue!?
My mom drove over my hamster and didn't want to tell me, so she skinned the body and hid it in the pantry so i wouldn't know it was ...
My 9 week old kitten, Peaches, has just gone onto dry kitten biscuits. The four in the litter have not yet had any problems but we've......
I want to get a puppy or at least under a year old dog for my first dog and I live in an apartment in Atlanta GA, im an active person and I ...
So the Arabic country I live in, nobody usually keeps dogs as pets... religious reasons mostly. There is 1 vet here and he's out of town...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
We've had him since he was born in 2003, but I think he'll be happier in another home and here's why: Nobody cares for him... ce...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: My Labradors 3 of them are afraid of the 8 week springer spaniel puppy?
I love him and dun want him to die. Some say he can live for only 2 months!! And some say red eared slider can live up to 40 years. He is......
My female beagle peed on my bed tonight. She did her spinny settle down thing, and then laid down and peed. My SO moved... cerita dewasa ce...
Ok this is getting out of hands. It has been 4 days since i got my 8 weeks old chihuahua puppy she still whines a... cerita dewasa cerita d...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Hi, need some advice.So my dog who is 4yrs old a chichuahua Pomeranian. She is usually really active and crazy, started acting really down a...
Read : Question: Dog in pain! !!?
Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014
So I got a saddle online and I have sat on my horse with it. But she's a paint mare and very muscular and wider. I fit fine in the saddl...
O.k, I have a 1 yr old dachshund (weiner dog) and she stands with her front paws facing the outside. Picture below. Any thing I should be......
Read : Question: Dachshund Help?
I love cats, i go to my uncles regularly to play with his, my mum wants a cat and so does my sister, trouble is my dad... cerita dewasa cer...
My 8 month old kitten has been having having watery poops with loud flatulence for the past 5 days or so. When he was about 8 weeks... cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Could it be contagious? Will it go away or do I need to call a vet? I read that it is common for dogs and cats so could it be a hair scratch...
My nephew is 24 but has the mental age of a 4 year old due to brain damage from physical abuse as a child. My husband and I are looking to g...
Read : Question: Dog breed suggestions for my special needs nephew?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: How do I get my pitbull massive mix to stop chewing on everything?
hi everyone, my neighbours have a 11 month old Alaskan malamute, and I sometimes take care of it during the day whilst they work. People say...
I think they're really beautiful. Do u like them better than pit bulls? cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa ceri...
i recently bought watch dogs and installed it...the game is opening correctly but when i open a new game the loading screen freezes at 98%.....
he's 2 years old and had been potty trained since 8 weeks old to poop on the same spot (when he's pooping/peeing i usually says ...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I am currently feeding my new puppy IAMS puppy formula dry kibble. She seems to be doing well enough but she is a bully, and I don't thi...
Read : Question: Good quality, CHEAP, dry kibble, dog food brand??
I've just turned 12, and I still sleep with my elephant I've had since I was 3. I've have like a million more stuffed... cerita ...
I have one 7 year old cat who I love to pieces. I also want a bunny I have done loads of research on rabbits eg what they eat how to clean t...
My cat died early in the morning yesterday I KNEW he had a UTI but I left it I was meant to take him to the vets on... cerita dewasa cerita...
How do I discipline Rottweiler who knows the couch is off limits to her, yet sneaks on it while we are sleeping... cerita dewasa cerita dew...
Read : Question: How to discipline or break dog from getting on couch?
Question: How to become a good dog owner for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier or Miniature Bull Terrier?
What kind of owner do they need? How much exercise do they require? This will be my first serious breed of dog to own as my current one is a...
Read : Question: How to become a good dog owner for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier or Miniature Bull Terrier?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: Does petco sell adult angelfish or only juvenilles?
Is it too much to give 1-2 per day? cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa ...
Read : Question: How often can you give your chinchilla rasins?
okay, so I just came home with a pitbull puppy yesterday, I got her from the shelter she is 7 weeks old, & when we first came home she w...
What literary device is this an example of and why is it appropriate for describing a Vogon reading poetry? From HITCHHIKERS GUIDE... cerita...
Read : Question: “His voice took on the quality of a cat snagging brushed nylon.”?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
This dog treat helps up to 80% tartar build-up reduction cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita d...
Read : Question: What dog treat made by Pedigree to take great care of your dogs teeth?
I need to writed an essay about the topic 'It is cruel to keep wild animals confined as pets' I already have 'Wild animals as......
Read : Question: 'It is cruel to keep wild animals confined as pets' cons PLZ?
Lately my dog has been acting strange. He always loved laying on the couches dowbstairs, I'd leave... cerita dewasa cerita dewasa ceri...
Read : Question: My Dog's Behavior?
I have a 2 year old Alaskan malamute and his testicals havnt descended. I took him to the vets and it cost me £500 and that... cerita dewasa...
Read : Question: My dog needs an operation I can't afford..help with ideas?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: I had a cat.It died by yamamoto's bankai.What am i supposed to do?
Just wanted to let everyone know that cats need better rights.I love them so much. cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewas...
Read : Question: Cats are the most amazing creatures and everyone who touches a cat should be burnt alive?
Our dog became very poorly Sunday night. Vomiting, diarrhoea and large amount of blood in the stools. On Monday morning I... cerita dewasa ...
I got myself a real lazy, naughty, devil of a cat. He is always destroyin' things 'round my house tryin' a chase the same ol...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: My Siberian Husky got her body covered with sores, What can I do to help her heal??
Hello guys,I d like buy any parrot,thinking about Indian ring neck parrot.I hear that male can speak better and they arent very noisy.It...
Dogs are more like men, cats like women. Does that mean that guys who like dogs are a bit homo? cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa ...
Help me guyss! Im confused cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita d...
I always catch my Cockatiel eating his own poo. Which is gross!! I don't know what's so delicious about it. I always yell at him... ...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: Why did my dog try to bite me now? Had him since he was 10 weeks old.?
This is the reason why carp were introduced to US. But how do carps do so? cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: How do Asian carps prevent weed and parasite growth in water?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: I want to adopt a cat on adoptapet.com do all or some places charge for adoption?
They need to catch mice, birds and live a normal cat's life. cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa ...
Read : Question: Why do Americans not let their cats roam the neighborhood?
I need a name for a little girl chihuahua, she's tiny (the runt of the litter my dog has just had), she's light brown/ginger with a ...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: How do I flush out this garlicky smell in my cat's breath?