cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015
He gets a huge ***** whenever a girl touches him, when he's excited, and it feels disgusting. Like I know what's coming next. He...
So I will be moving out soon and living with a roommate (I'm 19). My family has owned many dogs before but I'm not sure which dog br...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: Should i get an English Mastiff or Great Dane ?
Not very round luke when i got him constantly running on his wheel in his cage. cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa ...
Read : Question: I just got my new hedgehoge male and he is losing weight should i be concerned.?
My dog is vomiting weird stuff that looks like spaghetti noodles, please help. cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa c...
Read : Question: Why is my Chihuahua vomiting spaghetti noodles?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I live in california in los angles and there is a great horned owl i see rarely once in a while and i put a screech owl nest box up and do u...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
My dog (a 30lb beagle) ate a small piece of a plastic grocery bag while we were on a walk last night. I yanked most of it out of his mouth, ...
I have a 5 year old chihuahua and I believe she is dehydrated. She is only drinking a couple capfulls of a 16 ounce bottle. I can't take...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: I need to know where I can find an affordable vet?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
i lost my rat in my car, he had crawled into an opening to the side of my car, so he is now in the wall of my car and won't come out. ho...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I have a small flock of five tetra tints. They never have slept outside in the summer and I is super cold. I have to pick them up and put th...
Read : Question: My chickens have been roosting outside of the coop?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
My Golden Retriever is super clingy, he follows me all around the house, sleeps in my bed, he sometimes makes his way into the shower with m...
Both puppies are 1 year old shitzu, yorkie, boston terrier mixes from the same litter. They both pee on my pillows( which are on the couch) ...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I let her inside for abit and she went to sleep on the carpet, about 1 hour later I woke her up to go outside for toilet and i had noticed s...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
My best friend was pregnant a few months ago and my cats and hers kept jumping up on her and sleeping on her tummy. They don't do that w...
There's also a spot on he's nose but I noticed it appearing when I changed the food, but I already changed it back. Also been scratc...
He's a very wild outdoor cat. He's about two years old. I just started to take care of him and took him into my house. So, he fights...
Read : Question: My cat's cheek bone is sticking out of his cheek?
So my gecko had some sand in his eyes(i now its a bad substrate) and now they have become cloudy, i bought terramycin and i was wondering ho...
Read : Question: Gecko help plz?
It can't be a dog, we already have one and my mom doesn't want another, my dad is allergic to cats, mom says rats are too smelly (I ...
I could hear the cats fighting and making heaps of noise but when he came back he was all messed up and dirty he didnt get hurt but he smell...
Read : Question: My cat went out and got in a fight now he smells like cheese?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: Are two 4 inch gurami fish good tank mates with a 6.5 inch jack Dempsey?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I have had my bird for about a month and a half and I have been trying to hand tame it which he still doesn't like me but whenever I tak...
I know that buying an animal from petco or petsmart is dumb, but i have bought 6 crested geckos and 3 leopard geckos from both stores and al...
Read : Question: Albino checkered garter snake price at petco?
I just read the story about Maya the dog who was stolen by PETA employees on petakillsanimals.com. I was absolutely disgusted by their behav...
Read : Question: Why would PETA steal family pets and then kill them?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: Spell rat?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: I dont think my rats drink water why dont they drink water out the bottle?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Hello okay so I'm worried because my black lab today started limping and then it came across that he can't walk it's his back le...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
We have about maybe 6 inches give or take an inch or two. I'm afraid to turn my horses out because I don't want them to get hurt. I ...
ok guys so i had two pitbulls different genders but they both died and now im getting either a pup rott or german now whichever i get ill se...
Okay so I got a new puppy a week ago. I love her a lot and as far as I know I'm not allergic to dogs I've been around many and never...
Read : Question: Pet allergy?
I have a female guppy and I have put her into a breeding tank to raise her fry. She is still in the early stages of pregnancy but I have rea...
I've had Ambra since November & for one day, he has been wheezing, breathing in & out heavily. Poor hamsie :c she's look lik...
Read : Question: Help!! My Hamster Is Dieing (Read Description Below)?
Hello! I have a horse who lately has been giving me a sour attitude when going through our groundwork routines. Her biggest issue is moving,...
Read : Question: Good horse giving me attitude, how do I correct it?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: My red ear slider turtle shell is changing Color what dose that mean?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: I just got pet rats and they dont like me at all what do i do?
Jumat, 30 Januari 2015
He is a 9 month old boxer, his testicles look swollen, they're shiny, today he had dried skin peeling off of them, they don't sit ri...
Read : Question: What are the possibilities and solutions to the swelling of my dogs testicles?
I'm concerned because it's very unusual for her to drool and I'm afraid that she might be sick. This just started maybe an hour ...
What vets can I go to that are good (Seattle) do I have to buy her it's own bed or can she sleep with me,does she have to have a crate, ...
Read : Question: I'm getting a puppie in a couple of days and i have questions?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: How old should a persian be before you can breed them?
Hi there. I just came home and noticed my seven year old lab tilting his head to one side and whining. I'm not sure but think it may be ...
Thursday, I got a new puppy. She's a yorkie Shi Tzu mix. She's only 8 weeks but all she does all day is follow me. If she can't ...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
Read : Question: What are two bloodlines that no longer exist/pittbulls?
she hasnt been eating much and she seem like she wants to throw up at times.she been panting and it cold. shes not energetic. cerita dewasa ...
Read : Question: My dog isnt moving a lot she panting and looks kind of down. shpuld i be concerned?
Irish setter? Beagal? Siberian Husky? Akita inu? Chow chow? Lab? You can do all to one cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita d...
My puppy is 9 months old and she's laying down in her bed and she doesn't want to get up...not even for a treat. Is this normal beca...
Hello everyone! last week on Sunday, my dad brought a cat, he was normal! I'm the same day, my father wash the cat and then my father wi...
I have an 8 year old ball python. He has yawned before it opened his mouth before but is now doing it constantly. I don't know if his mo...
I have a female rat named Tiffa. She is about a year & a half old. She has mammory tumors. I have been to the vets with her several time...
Read : Question: Rat tumor ?
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I have 2 female mice. We just found babies in their cage and don't know which one is the mother. They both look exactly the same as they...
Do cats really have that much? cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa ceri...
Read : Question: My 8 month old kitten just came in the house with what looks like semen on her behind?
I have 6 week old puppies and I gave them piperazine citrate and one vomited 2 hours later cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa ceri...
Read : Question: If a puppy vomits 2 hours after getting worm medication, did it have a chance to work?
I'm getting female rat on Sunday because my other female rat is all alone. But I'm scared that they will not get along. How should I...
It started about a week ago. She's frequently doing low cat calls. She's rubbing against everything and rolling around everywhere. I...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
We want a cute name for our lab that doesn't end in -y... doesn't end with with that -ee sound in names like Poppy, Cassie, Tully, e...
Read : Question: What's a cute name for a female chocolate lab that doesn't end with the -ee sound?
he is 2 years old, sometimes he gets very filthy so i dont want him to come inside the house, he enters regardless, so last time i punish hi...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
My 6 month old kitten got spayed a on Wednesday and today when I got home she had vomited 3 times and then again a few minutes ago. There wa...
Ok, so my maltese went into heat and my 10 month old sheepdog intact, starting licking her and never leaving her alone, he tries to mount he...
Read : Question: Hey is my Intact male dog's behavior normal?
How many of you would take a bullet for your dog? I know I would in a heart beat. I have a german shepherd and **** him protecting me Id pro...
One of my favorate breeds is the Akita ( American ) I can't fined to much information about them. Latter on in my life if I am propard f...
Read : Question: About Akitas?
Why would anyone ever want to take care of a dirty dumb animal? I mean dogs are good for dog fighting but that is about it. I'd let my d...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...