Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Question: 4 month old Pug biting but is oddly obedient in other aspects.?

So I purchased a boy pug at (supposedly) 10 weeks but they lied and it turned out being 12. So he is now 4 months old and idk what to do with him as far as his biting goes. I've read everywhere that the issue i" with obedience it's that your dog doesn't respect you, he won't obey you etc"... so I taught him obedience. He sits when I tell him to sit, I always step outside of the house first, he sits and waits for me to enter the house before he comes. He always waits patiently for his food and waits for me to tell him good boy to eat. I'm just really confused. I have tried everything. He won't stop biting my hands or my clothes or his leash, or furniture (the list could go on and on) I tell him NO in a stern tone and he stops and goes right back to it. He usually seems so submissive when I say no but not even a millisecond in he's going after my hands. I have tried the dominant way, I have tried spray bottle, ignoring him, yelping (all the techniques possible). I'm not sure if it's teething or just needs to drain energy (super hyper pug) or just wants attention. I will say this when I first met him he was in a crate (my husband and I were the first people to interact with him, I guess people didn't have an interest).So that leads me to think he was in a cage since he was a baby pup (4 weeks) :(. When I first got him he was fearful of EVERYTHING. The stairs, cement, the sidewalk, being held etc... Maybe the lack of attention and socialization caused him anxiety. idk :/

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