Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

Question: I don't know what to do anymore?

So I have two dogs, a 5 month old (female) and an 8 year old(male), adore them both. But my oldest has litreally become an ignorant asshole? And I know that sounds weird as Hes a dog, but he doesn't care, I left the room for two minutes today and I came back and he had lifted his leg on the sofa, I put him in the kitchen cleaned it up and then tried to send him outside but he wouldn't, he wasn't botherd and wasnt listening to me, and then I went to lead him out and he went to bite me? (First time ever) my other dog who is only a pup actually jumped to my rescue surprisingly and she tried to snap at him, shes a german shepherd so it didn't exactly suprise me, but he really did. For all the eight years I have had him i have been pack leader, and it is very noticeable, when we got our new pup there has been no changes and they get on fine, but why did he do that? Why did he go to bite me, if it wasn't for my other dog, he would have. He's netured now almost 4 years, If he continues like this I don't want him around anymore, I can't send him to a pound I can't let him go. But I can't keep him like this, im already beginning not to trust him. And I don't want that, I love him. (He's a staffxjackrussell)

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