Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Question: Considering getting a cat?

When I was 19 and first moved out I got a kitten. He was at the local pet store and his type was called "domestic short hair" After a few months I had to give him away as I realized I was not yet ready for the responsibility and he was not the type of cat for me. I am now in my mid 20s and considering getting a cat again but this time I want to get an adult cat that is past the kitten stage and I want to make sure I get the right breed of cat thats right for me and my living situation. I live in an apartment, so there is not a ton of room. Im gone for at least 8 hours a day at work. My previous kitten would cry all night very loud and keep me up through the night. He would be very hyper at night and when I would go to sleep and wake up in the morning my toilet paper from my bathroom would be rolled out across my floor, end tables knocked over, a mess on my counters, he was very hyper and got into stuff. He also was not a lap cat at all unless he was ready to sleep. I want a cat thats going to be quiet in the night, not make a big mess (lazy cat that just sits around) and I want a lap cat that will want to be around me and not just hide or go do its own thing. I prefer a shorter hair cat but looks dont mean to much to me. Any ideas what a good breed of cat would be to look for that is a loving lap cat that is lazy and wont whine all night or turn my apartment into a huge mess?

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