Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Question: Deworming cats question. NEED HELP?

Hey everyone. I've been having issues with my cats and some worms. Back in October, my cat threw up a round worm. I went to the vet, he got treated, and we went on with our lives. I got a (dewormed already) cat from the humane society in mid-December. All was well until I saw little worms poking out of his butt last week. They looked just like round worms. Due to my temporarily busy schedule (work, school, and internship) I bought some roundworm dewormer, and administered it to my cat two days ago. I didn't see any whole worms come out in the poop like I expected. And this evening, I saw pieces of worms (that look like rice) around his butt. I realized that these are probably TAPEWORMS. I've heard (and seen) that tapeworms come out in segments and can often look like white rice. Now, I want to treat my cats for tapeworms immediately, but I'm finding it difficult to make it to the vet ASAP. If it were to be tapeworms, when's the soonest I could get them tapeworm medication after already giving them roundworm medication? PS: Both cats are doing fine! Besides being hosts, they're running around, eating, drinking, and playing as normal!

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