Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Question: How much would you spend on pet mice?

I had a total of 5 mice. Two of them got a URI so I separated them from the healthy mice. I asked my boyfriend to take them to the vet and told him that I wasn't willing to spend more than $100 on them (as we already spent 550+ on our pet cat). So if it was more than 100 to just euthanize them. He comes home and had new food, new bedding, and medicine. I asked how much this all cause. 170. Okay, wtf. Seriously? I told him how annoyed I was about that but I let it go. So, one of the mice ended up dying and the other one lived. After the one that was still alive was done with her medication, 2 days later she starts sneezing, clicking, etc again. I told him to call the doctor and ask if this meant she was still sick and that if she is still sick, to euthanize her. What he does is takes her back to the vet, and pays for more medication! Another 85. I'm pretty upset right now because this is not something we will be able to afford since we are moving in March and will have to buy furniture, etc. I'm just wondering if anyone else would spend 250+ on medical bills for MICE. Yes, I love my pet mice and I take good care of them, but I am only willing to spend so much on them. Especially when I have a cat with a thyroid problem who needs constant medication re-fills. I told him

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