Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Question: How to correct dogs behavior towards cat?

We got a dog about two months ago, and we already had a cat. He is a great dog in every way, but his only problem is that when he gets excited, he gets real excited. Our cat is a skittish, scaredy cat. We understand that she will never get along and they will be separated until she leaves, but meanwhile we have two gates and a door separating them. He knows there is a cat in there because we tried to get them along, and it didn't work. But every day and night when he passes that room he will just stare at the door, (tail wagging as he is excited) and growling. (He growls from excitement, it's his way of communicating) He has barked a few times, and he only barks when very excited- moving on- I want to get rid of this behavior as it may be years before the cat passes away. Currently I squirt him with a water bottle. He knows that no means no, but if he doesn't listen, I show him the bottle and he may or may not stop the behavior. Can anyone give me some advice as to how to stop this behavior? (Do not tell me 'you shouldn't have got the dog for the cats sake' because heaven knows I'm not taking this sweet pup back) He is 4-5 yrs, and a herding dog mix. I don't expect him to get along with the cat, just live in the same house in different rooms. (He gets most of the house while the cat gets two rooms) Thank you in advanced :)

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