Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Question: Is it possible for cat to throw up after eating because they don't like the food?

I have two cats that are a year and a half and neutered. My cat snap has a sensitive stomach so for a year both cats have eaten Royal Canin Digest sensitive wet cat food and also Royal canin special 33 dry cat food (I leave this out during rhe day so they could snack). Ginger does not have a sensitive stomach but I did not want to be buying separate cat foods and tempt Snap with another brand of cat food because I knew he would eat it. Last week Snap started throwing up his food and refusing to eat his Royal canin randomly so we took a trip to the vet and got him some meds. Doc told me to give him more fish and the meds were also for his stomach. So I switched him to Sheba (not the best I know but it was the first fish I found) and Snaps been wonderful! Usually foods other than Royal canin give him horrible diarrhea but I think his stomach medicine helps him now and he doesn't throw up. Ginger on the other hand is now throwing up the Sheba. The vet gave me medicine for vomiting for Snap so I've been giving Ginger that. My question is: is it possible a cat throws up food because they simply do not like it? I would prefer to have both cats on the same food and not be going out and buying separate foods. Any suggestions on what to do or type of cat foods that I should try?

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