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cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
hi my cat Doug will try to bite me sometimes when i brush him or pet him well he is on the window sill i don't know what to make him sto...
His Facebook account says he died Wednesday evening (the 29th), I didn't think he was that old. It had to be an internal issue or someth...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I have a male Leo, I'm not sure how old but I've had him for about 8 months and he was already an adult when I bought him from the s...
My hamster (2.5 months, syrian) just jumped out of my hands. I was holding her 1-2 feet above the ground, and she leaped out of my hands and...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
My lab puppy is 4 months old. I adopted her and she may be mixed but for the most part I think she is a dudley lab (genetic mutation which m...
I recently got a new ball python, he is 3-4 years old and i have noticed that when he breathes, it sounds squeaky? Is this normal or should ...
I'm 16 years old and I live with my mom and stepdad. My lab died about a year ago, and I took it hard, but now I'm opening up to the...
Blog Archive
- Question: My cat has missing patches of fur and it...
- Question: How much does a mini make rover cost at ...
- Question: What breed are my dogs?
- Question: What is your pet name?
- Question: Dog is 2,5 years old, is there a differe...
- Question: What is your pet name?
- Question: Why did the ASPCA euthanize this dog?
- Question: Horse barn costs ?
- Question: My dog ate some onion?
- Question: What to do with my territorial cat while...
- Question: Is Circovirus Deadly?
- Question: What does it mean when a cat has no papers?
- Question: Is my dog pregnant?
- Question: Is the sign of the cross pagan?
- Question: Do I have to get 3 hermit crabs at minim...
- Question: Is my horse bonding with me?
- Question: Dog has phlegm in lungs?
- Question: My wife s pet name?
- Question: Found one flea in my apartment...no pets...
- Question: What reptile should I get?
- Question: Does anyone else's cat lie like this? Wi...
- Question: While iam giving the dog a treat should ...
- Question: Do you need to take your hamster out eve...
- Question: I have a bunny and was wondering where c...
- Question: Ubiquitous?
- Question: What is the best dog to get a great dane...
- Question: How do I know when a female diamond dove...
- Question: Egg incubation?
- Question: High Alkaline in tank?
- Question: Why does my dog come when i call him whe...
- Question: My question is Can my dog sense when I'm...
- Question: What colours would suit a dun pony?
- Question: Will my dog hate me?
- Question: Should I feed him 1se a day he turns a y...
- Question: What can you do to avoid homelessness an...
- Question: I need some answers about fish in petco?
- Question: Is this cat a tabby?
- Question: What's the best size cage for a Praying ...
- Question: Mammel,anphibian,reptile,fish or bird wi...
- Question: What dose of equine ivermectin to use fo...
- Question: Should I get a ferret?
- Question: Does anyone have indian ringneck or alex...
- Question: Do you want to make a warrior clan? ~Sno...
- Question: Names for orange tabby male kitten?
- Question: I live in Arizona where there are lizard...
- Question: Help!!! How do I slow my horse down into...
- Question: Is it necessary to hand feed baby parake...
- Question: How can I summon my mom?
- Question: What to do with my dog?
- Question: What do birds eat besides seeds?
- Question: What fish can i put in my pond?
- Question: When will Fred Dougherty be issuing his ...
- Question: Can you give a dog low dose aspirin ?
- Question: My puppy won't eat his food?
- Question: Is my betta going to be okay?
- Question: I got 3 hours help me out I'm 30/m?
- Question: My rat terrier has a liquid like bump un...
- Question: Puppy pooing too much? And poop is watery?
- Question: Is my puppy sick? What is this?
- Question: Many loose dogs in my neighborhood. Owne...
- Question: How to get mom cat to teach kittens to u...
- Question: Do birds give birth or lay eggs?
- Question: Taking puppy outside?
- Question: Where can I find Hypoallergenic Feline F...
- Question: Is it true that Pit Bulls are cold blood...
- Question: Pros and cons of african dwarf frogs?
- Question: How big will my puppy get!!!?
- Question: These 2 stray cats have been staying in ...
- Question: My puppy wont potty on newspaper?
- Question: Will my hamster be ok in the dark?
- Question: Is my turtle getting a good amount of li...
- Question: I found a juvenile house sparrow?
- Question: Holland Lop Rabbit - Care Advice Please?!?
- Question: How can i get my 8 year old dog to like me?
- Question: My fish Platys guppies and so on?
- Question: What to do if pitbull puppy falls over?
- Question: My cat seems to be hypnotised by high so...
- Question: Should I get a burger, hot dog or chicke...
- Question: Best cage for syrian hamster?
- Question: Can I give my Chihuahua ( 13 lbs. ) Pept...
- Question: Why is my dog being so clingy?
- Question: Are flat worms and tape worms in cats th...
- Question: Apartments wont accept my emotional supp...
- Question: How should I make Faris Nyannyan cat ear...
- Question: Bunny qustion?
- Question: How many aspirin molecules are there in ...
- Question: Que le pasa a mi gata? Esta en celo?
- Question: Me and my family decided to travel to Wi...
- Question: Why are some Rabbits bigger in the liter?
- Question: What's wrong with my puppy ? :(?
- Question: Can a dog catch parvo twice?
- Question: Is my turtle happy?
- Question: How many more fish can I keep?
- Question: Horses that Pace?
- Question: Is it good for a dog to lick cuts and mo...
- Question: Toys i can make for my hamsters?
- Question: What will happen with the egg?
- Question: How long can a Samoyed be left alone at ...
- Question: My outside dog stinks?
- Question: My dog mated in February when should she...
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