Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Question: My pregnant cat has tapeworms, I think?!?

I have a cat, 1 year and 7 months old, the people my mom and I live with let her out during the summer and spring and I guess this winter they have been letting her out too?! I have seen tapeworm segments on her tail and I know she is pregnant she has started nesting and I have felt her kittens kick me, and you can see them constantly kicking her tummy, My mother refuses to take her to the vet and I love my cat with all my heart, don't tell me to get rid of her or put her down, I am not leaving my cat. Also I am moving soon so she will NOT be let outside under any circumstances. Anyway, does anyone know what I can do since my mom refuses to get medicine for her?! She acts like the cat is revolting, won't even go near her.

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