Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

Question: One of my cat's kittens is smaller than the others and it's tongue is discolored?

My cat had 7 kittens, 9 days ago. They are all looking healthy and one of them has even began to open their eyes, but I was checking on them earlier and one kitten was laying away from the others at the very end of the box that they are in. I picked it up and it felt lifeless, but I could still feel it's heart beating and it was breathing, slowly but steadily. It was very cold and small, and I could feel it's tiny bones by simply holding it in my hand. It's tongue was also discolored, all the other kittens have pinkish and normal colored kitten tongues and mouths, but the smaller kitten has a whitish/beige-like colored tongue and mouth. It looks the same size as it did when it was born, while the others have grown larger and more furry. I moved the other kittens into a separate box and put the smaller kitten in the box alone with the mother. I left them alone for about twenty minutes and came back and the kitten hadn't moved and the mother didn't seem very interested in it. It's not moving or whining like the others are, and I'm very worried it might end up dying if I don't figure out what's wrong and what I can do to help it. Please help, any advice is needed!!

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