Sabtu, 04 April 2015

Question: How to convince my parents to get me another dog?

I already have one dog inside my house and the other one is in the garden but my uncle is always the one lookinh after him so it's pretty sure that my parents are just trying to find an excuse when they say we already have two dogs.I also think that they don't make a great deal out of it they just ignore me or they say either we don't want to or we already have 2 but when I ask them why they don't want to they won't answer me or they'll just say just because and I don't take that as an adult-like and try to find the best sollution for all of us and not just for them like how they do.I also told them that we could adopt one since they're for free and let it be inside the house since my other dog is really friendly with other dogs and that surely won't be a problem!When they disagree with that one as well i tell that that we could let it be on the rooftop (we also have a room up there to use when it's cold) but once again they disagree with me for no reason then I tell them that they will only have it inside the house for a year because when I turn 18 I will leave the house with the dog so they only have to bear with it for a year but their answer is again the same we don't want to. I feel like an idiot since I'm the one who takes into cinsideration their answers and try to make it comfortable for all of us but thet just end up ignoring me anyway.

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