Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Question: My cat will not come out!! years its been going on?

When I first got my cat she was a rescue they told us she is very shy this was probably 4 years ago when she firar came in the home she ran under the bed and would not come out which i understand is normal so I gave her time treats under the bed because she would not come out to eat after that she mellowed a little ahe came out but she stayed in the room I would say she didnt leave the room for about a year before she would explore at night some but even then any noise even a small noise would freak her out and she would run back in she finally would come out of course not when we would have get togethers or anything like that she was much better she found other places in the hous that she could hide just in case and she even ventured out to the porch once in a while recently I moved in wiyh my fiance and the same thing has been going on we have 2 Chihuahuas and I think that has something to do with it but we have been here since october and still not evwn ventured out of the room I have even taken the bedframe off my bed so she cant hide under there is there anyway to speed up the process I dont want her to stay in the room terrified for another year please help

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