Rabu, 15 April 2015

Question: My new Chihuahua puppy is very nervous and shy around me, my family, and strangers. What can I do?

My newly adopted Long Haired Chihuahua (Brodee), is shy and scared 80% of the time. He seems to be a happy little guy, and his tail is always going, but when I walk near him or go to pick him up he runs and tries to hide. He's also started growling at me and my 4 and 7 year old girls (and they are gentile with him, I do monitor that constantly). I haven't corrected that behavior too much yet because he's only 12 weeks old - we got him when he was 9 weeks. I do let him know that it's not okay though -by a slight touch to the neck, and a "SHHH' noise. I called references and I know the breeder isn't bad... although he doesn't have kids in the house so that doesn't help with socialization. I'm starting puppy classes this Wed. and plan to take him EVERYWHERE this summer to help with socialization. I'm not sure what to do, to try and get him to be less afraid of everything. He even peed on, and mouthed at, my neighbor when she tried to greet him by picking him up. I couldn't believe it!!! He's a sweet little guy and I'm determined to snap him out of this. My other LC Chihuahua wasn't like this at all.. she's just a lover who wants to be handled ALL the time. Very affectionate - and I'm hoping one day Brodee will be that way too. Maybe it's his personality?? He took to my other Chihuahua RIGHT away and now they are best buds. I'm assuming that's because he had his mother and siblings (most the time) where he came from. Any advice on these behaviors?? THANKS! :)

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