Jumat, 03 April 2015

Question: Oleander? How poisonous for dogs?

We rented a house with a large yard and amazing landlord. One whole side of the yard, by the road for privacy, is very large oleanders. Over 50yrs old and very tall. Landlord said she has tried everything to get rid of them, burning them, pouring gas, plant killer etc and they are still thriving! They are fairly pretty and nice to have. My problem is I know they are poisonous but one of my dogs was chewing on the sticks all winter when they still had leaves but no flowers and never had a problem. Now they are blooming red flowers and we have a small puppy who wants to chew on the leaves. She hasnt had a problem either. We watch them and obviously make them stop but they still have gotten to them. Are they really as poisonous as people say or only if the dogs ingest them? My hubby seems to think our dogs are getting immune by just chewing on them but I dont entirely believe that.

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