Jumat, 03 April 2015

Question: Ferret health problems. Should I switch food?

Hi everyone, I have a 5 month old female ferret. Recently, I have noticed her stool has looked seedy, which I read was a sign of indigestion and I have even seen some green, loose stools. She has more normal stools than she does these abnormal ones, though. She has also been chewing her food pretty loud, which I thought could be grinding teeth or I could be imagining this since I tend to be a worrier. She has also been chewing her bowl in between bites, which is new. However, she is still playing and running around like her normal self and she is not loosing any weight. I took her to the vet and she checked her for ulcers and said she didn't have any. The vet then suggested that she could just have stomach upset and told me to give her pepto bismol for 2-5 days. This is the second day I have been using the pepto bismol and there has been no change. She is eating the Marshall's diet and I saw that the ingredients include corn. Could this be contributing to the indigestion? Should I switch her food? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I just want her to be healthy!

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