Jumat, 03 April 2015

Question: How do i potty train my large dog?

Ok so i have a Great Dane mix who is 1 1/2 years old. He is potty trained, never goes in the house when i am there. will hold it all day and night till i take him out to go. Since he was 4 weeks old he has always gone to work with me every day. He was never really ever home alone for a long period of time. Running to the store for a few hours is fine. But if i leave him longer then that or for a full day, he always goes in the apartment. I am about to me starting a new job where he will no longer be able to go with me so he will be left home all day. How do i go about teaching him to not go inside when i am not there, when in every other area he is very well trained?

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