Senin, 23 Desember 2013

I have a chihuahua dog if the cats try to play he runs and bites them. How can I stop him from doing this?

I rescued the reindeer chihuahua when he was about 3 years old. I know he loves me very much, and he probably thinks he is helping me by stopping the kitties from playing. I have been around a lot of dogs and this is the first time I have ever seen this type of behavior. If a kitty tries to play with a ball, or string, anything. He is also protective in the same way with my food. If any of the cats come close to me when I have any sort of food he will bite them! He is like that also with his own food, which I can understand. I love this dog very much, and I sure would like to help him stop this bazaar behavior. Thank you.

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