Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Can a female dog get grumpy or whiney when they are supposed to be in heat?

My dog is fixed. I notice sometimes she becomes extremely whiney. When I pet or pat her back or above her tail she moves her tail to the side. Someone said they can't go in heat but will act different when they are supposed to go into heat. I know it is different than humans but I know of someone who had a partial hysterectomy and they still went through pms even though they don't get their period. When a dog is fixed does that include taking everything including ovaries. OR do I just have a whiney dog. A note I take her to the vet three to four times a year. She is always checks out fine. Once a year for heartworm test and checkup and then nail trims and anal glands the other times.

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