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cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
hi my cat Doug will try to bite me sometimes when i brush him or pet him well he is on the window sill i don't know what to make him sto...
His Facebook account says he died Wednesday evening (the 29th), I didn't think he was that old. It had to be an internal issue or someth...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
I have a male Leo, I'm not sure how old but I've had him for about 8 months and he was already an adult when I bought him from the s...
My hamster (2.5 months, syrian) just jumped out of my hands. I was holding her 1-2 feet above the ground, and she leaped out of my hands and...
cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerita dewasa cerit...
My lab puppy is 4 months old. I adopted her and she may be mixed but for the most part I think she is a dudley lab (genetic mutation which m...
I recently got a new ball python, he is 3-4 years old and i have noticed that when he breathes, it sounds squeaky? Is this normal or should ...
I'm 16 years old and I live with my mom and stepdad. My lab died about a year ago, and I took it hard, but now I'm opening up to the...
Blog Archive
- Does a uti make a cat aggresive?
- What were pitbulls originally bred for?
- Can cory catfish go with a goldfish?
- my neighbors dogs keep tearing our fence up?
- When men wear black and white, they wear a tie. Wh...
- Is kijijji a good place to buy a bunny?
- Cats? Hair balls and coughing?
- Names for girl and boy, names for a cat?
- Tired of everyday pets, any suggestions?
- will getting a hamster upset my snake?
- Any cute bunny names?
- How would a regular cat respond to a sphynx cat?
- I really want a cat!!!?
- I have just got a dog on a trial run, it doesn't f...
- the male is not getting close enough what do I do?
- Why/how can dogs sense an ill/dying animal?
- Dogs best alone or with 'siblings'?
- How do you take care of a larvae?
- why wont my silver female and gold male mollie mate?
- Which fish is right for me?
- How can I get rid of an awkward snail infestation ...
- I have. 14 week pup she's healthy but I still have...
- Is is unhealthy for dogs to lick you?????
- How do i keep my dog from digging holes in my yard?
- My landlady has 20 dogs in poor condition, how do ...
- how to keep a pet tapeworm?
- What's wrong with my cat?
- Do your pets ever appear to have cabin fever?
- What's something I can put under my hamster play pen?
- I caught my boyfriend molesting my dog.?
- Good pet for a bedroom?
- My hamster is being mean, what should I do?
- Great 'pocket' pet?
- I fed my cat dirt and its front legs don't work an...
- How can I get my puppy to walk with me?
- How come my turtle isn't eating any food for weeks?
- My cat needs help , can you help him ?
- My other cat keeps hitting to my elder cat?
- unsure of what to do with my dog please help!!!!?
- is Pompeii a good unique dog name?
- is Pompeii a good unique dog name?
- What types of fish would be good to put in a tank ...
- How can i breed my dog?
- why is my guppy swimming vertically?
- How can I stop my African Grey from screaming?
- Do you have an EXOTIC pet? PLEASE ANSWER.?
- Does This Sound Good For Snails/Shrimp?
- how can i teach my dog to go potty?
- I have an almost 3 ft. ball python that I feed 3 m...
- how long does it take russian dwarf hamsters to mate?
- Why is my cat purring? What does it mean?
- Rabbits shy around people?
- how to get rid of skunk smell on a dog in the winter?
- why is My dog still acting weird?. and its getting...
- Hedgehog care/cage and help with a name?
- how many pankakes cover a dog house?
- What will happen if i keep my ball python in a tub...
- What general breed of dog should I get?
- Cats won't eat food anymore?
- My hermit crab isn't in his shell after his molt?
- Slimy clear liquid in fish tank?
- how can train my dog to stop jumping on people and...
- If my cat got pregnant TODAY when would she have b...
- My dog has AIDS........?
- If my cat got pregnant TODAY when would she have b...
- Why Is My Lovebird Always Moody?
- Do mares stop coming into heat when they get a cer...
- how old is 18 months in a dog?
- I dreamt 8 jars full of water with turtles in them?
- how can I gain trust from a rabbit that was abused?
- my dog has lumps at the side of his ribs?
- puppy sore after vaccination shot?
- What are good pets for people with allergies?
- Running with a dog - question time?
- Got a dwarf hamster today?
- How to train your dog to sniff things out?
- hi my ball python is soting, drooling, and is thro...
- i have a question about dogs *help please*?
- Why are my neon tetras turning black?
- My Cockatiel has two bald spots under his wings?
- Colonel Meow passed away, how old was he?
- Stocking my 60 gallon tank?
- A small bird chirping outside of your house?
- Are there any universally-known ways of showing yo...
- What are automatic cat collars called?
- How long should it take for dog's open wound to he...
- What are some animal related jobs?
- Rooster eating hen on top of the cage?
- How to make cat food out of left over dog food?
- Why does my dog keep itching his butt?
- is my 8 week old puppy to young for dog deodarant?
- How many of each type?
- What is the best the way to get Dog Training exper...
- What are some good healthy dog treat recipes?
- What should I name my puppy?
- Why does my cat run in when I am peeing?
- Dog hurt his leg and won't walk on it?
- My cat pees in the sink?
- My dog is 57 days pregnant and she is producing mi...
- I think I raped my dog?
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