Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

I have a older leopard gecko it a female and she keeps shedding over and over again?

Hey I adopted 2 leopard geckos from a woman and they where both females. There was a younger one and an older one the youngest's weight was 56 grams. And the oldest's weight was 41 grams. I read about them before I got them I am new to leopard geckos and I fed them dried crickets and meal worms then calcium with d3 in it. But the woman never fed them live food I tried to but they didn't know what to do with them, So I just got dried food. I don't know how old they are but they are not babies the oldest I was told was around 11 years old and the other one was 3. I feel so stupid for having to ask but I need some advice on this.

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