Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

Help me! Guinea Pig Constipation!?

My guinea pig Chucky is around 6 years old. He has been great until about a week ago I noticed he goes pee and poop A lot. I just figured it's because of his age. then last night I was putting hay into his cage and he didn't even touch it. (He normally goes crazy for hay). Then this morning he was kinda scrunched up head first in the corner of his cage. So that scared me, so I got him out right away. I sat on the floor with him for about 5 hours. And I noticed that he cannot poop. He wasn't pooping at all (he usually poops a lot) and for five hours, he didn't poop once. But one time he pushed his but out and I could tell he was trying to poop but couldn't. He has been walking around a lot (so he is moving okay) and he's ate 1 small bite of a carrot and a few little sips of water. He is still pretty active. I felt around his butt area and it has a hard lump. I read online to gently try to squeeze it out. And only a little came out. It's not near as hard now. And I gave him mineral oil.

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