Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

I have a lot of puppy questions; please help?

Background info: I just got my puppy yesterday from SPCA (so this is his second night sleeping in our house) and he's an australian shepherd - husky cross and he's only six and a half months old. Questions: 1. I've been *trying* to crate-train him since yesterday, and today when we were playing, he *sometimes* puts his toys in there so I guess he's okay with his crate, but the problem is, he doesn't sleep/take naps there voluntarily, and instead he prefers to nap on my lap. How do I fix this? 2. Actually, he doesn't take a lot of naps at all; I've been reading stuff about puppies on the internet and most of them say that puppies sleep a lot but my puppy doesn't. He doesn't take naps if I don't let him sit on my lap. Is this okay; him, not taking a lot of naps, that is. And if it's not, what should I do? 3. Whenever I put him in his crate, close the door, and walk away for a couple of minutes, he starts to whine, but he eventually stops. I tried to put him there for 20 minutes because I showered, and when I let him out, he licked me a lot, and I feel like he thinks I'm punishing him for something (therefore, he must think that crate equals being punished; how do I make him not feel this way?). 4. I have scratches on my hand because of the puppy, and he licks my hand a lot; is this dangerous? Could I get sick from it? I don't want to stop him from licking my hands though because I think it's their way of showing affection.

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