Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

My cat is sick and I don't know what it is?

My cat is 13 years old. She has this problem with her front paws. It started with her left and her paw is curling in and she can't lay it flat. It's just stuck in this curled in position and she won't let me touch them so assume she's in discomforting but she is walking, well limping. We took her to the vet and already spent money for them to tell us that they don't know what it is and we have to bring her to a specialist. Now it's happening to her right front paw. If a vet or someone who has had this problem with their cat before could answer this it would really help. I don't have a lot of money and can't afford to bring her to specialist after specialist but i am going to bring her to the right place i just need to found out what it is. My parents can't afford to help me so I have to do this on my own and i am a college student who's not making much money. I want to give her the help she needs but i need to right direction. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!

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