Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

New puppy only likes me?

We got a new 9 week old male lhasa apso x maltese puppy three days ago and he is extremely attached to me. He follows me around everywhere, cries/howls when he can't find me and if anyone else in my family tries to pat him he will cower away (he's mainly like this with men). I don't know why he does this, since the family he was with before loved him and were very attached. I would really like for him to come out of his shell a bit, partly for his benefit, and bond with the rest of my family - especially my mum since she's the one who wanted him in the first place. Is there anything I can do that may help speed this process up? Thank you in advance! :) he also only plays with me. :( i'm worried he's going to be like this forever.

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