Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

over-protective doberman cross?

So I have a Doberman/Australian shepherd cross who's not quite a year old. He is really attached to me and he follows me everywhere. He's always tried to protect me from "strangers" (people he hasn't met before). At first he would bark at them, but after a few visits he would get used to them and go back to normal. Recently I moved into a new apartment with a roommate (who he knows well), and since then he's become very over-protective. If anyone tries to hug or even touch me the dog will start barking and growling and has even tried to bite a few people, including my roommate. He went through a previous move without any problems so I don't know why he's suddenly acting like this. I really wanted to know how I can get him to stop being so over-protective...I've been doing my best to discourage it but my roommate seems to think it's normal behaviour and almost encourages him to be aggressive. I know Dobermans were bred to be guard dogs, but it's getting really out of hand and I'm afraid he might end up hurting someone.

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