Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

Remedy for dog with tape worms?

I've been using an over the counter medicine for worms that supposedly treats tape hook and round worms, however my dog still has tape worms and was just wormed about a week and half ago. I am aware they come from fleas, however, i live in southeast ga and my dog literally goes every where with me. I ran into a lady in a store the other day and she mentioned a horse paste that she gives to her dog (in a small amount of course) that treats all worms including heart, and also fleas. I believe what she said begins with a C, but im not sure. I was hoping someone here would know either what she was talking about, or something I could buy that would actually work. In order to get rid of the worms, i have to get rid of the fleas, and where I live and the fact my pup goes everywhere with me its nearly impossible without spending a fortune. Thanks in advance for any ideas and advice! -Dont answer with rude answers telling me I need to immediately take my dog to the vet.

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