Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

What to do about my dog and her barking?

I have a dog who I need to keep in the garage because she and my moms boyfriends dog are both very viscous towards other dogs including each other. I let her out frequently and give her as much attention as I can but at night she will bark endlessly for hours and hours without repreive. No I dont need your self rightous bullshit about not having a dog because I cant care for it by having it in my house. Until Just last year she was inside all the time and with me constantly but I was forced to move in with my Mother and her boyfriend and we must keep the dogs seperated to avoid a dog fight. My dog is 12-13 yr's old and it would clearly be almost impossible to find her a good home that I would trust so the best decision I have is to keep her there, fed and warm. But I can tell she is lonely and barks for attentions. Any tips to help fill my dogs loneliness, As much as I spend time with her, I cannot sit outside all night every night just cause the dog is going baslistic.

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