Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

Why is my mom like this when it comes to pets?

She loves animals.. And she's definitely a softy for them. I remember when I told her I wanted a hamster.. I begged and begged her for one.. She always said "NO".. Me being the way I am, I earned money, went out and bought everything I needed for my first hamster without her consent. (She knew, but wasn't very happy) Her boyfriend ended up getting me the actual hamster. Once I got it, she didn't mind. He lived for 3 years before he got sick. Same thing happened for the previous two I had. She questioned me, and always asked why I wanted another one... And she said no more animals. Now, I'm most likely getting a chinchilla. I found a girl, who is selling her chinchilla with cage and all for $150! (Really cheap!) I have the money for it, and I'm probably getting it.. She didn't want me to at first.. She just asked me questions like where I'm going to keep him.. Blah blah blah. She always says "no more animals".. Yet, she's a complete softy when it comes to them. She never said I couldn't have my chinchilla.. But she doesn't necessarily want me to get it. I'm 15, and hopefully getting a job soon. After that, I won't need her to buy me anything for my chinchilla. I am paying her back for all that she's bought for me. I'm a responsible pet owner. But why does she get like this? Tell me I can't get one, or she doesn't want me to.. Then when I get the opportunity to get one.. She never says I can't, just asks me logical questions about it.. Ps.. I am NOT spoiled! I never ask my mom for anything! Everything I have, I basically save my money and buy myself. So please don't call me spoiled.

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