Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Almost 3 month old puppy peeing in bed?

We just got our 3 months old puppy last night, he won't sleep anywhere else besides next to our bed in the bedroom. He won't use the puppy pads. And he also won't go to the bathroom outside. Once he pees in the house. We tell him no and take him outside immediately, I plan on giving him a treat and praising him when he does use the bathroom outside, but sometimes when I bring him back in.. He'll just pee in the floor again.. But last night, he kept waking up and drinking water and just laying back down. He started to whine so I took him out. He decided to lay down and try to go back to sleep outside. I brought him back in. He wanted to lay in the living room rather than walking to the bedroom to his bed. So I carried him to his bed.. I wake up this morning and find out the whole bottom side of his bed is soaked and smells of urine. I know it takes time to train a puppy, but I have no idea what to do with these consistent problems... HELP!!

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