Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Roommate possibly abused dog...?

Me and my girlfriend came home from a night out around 11:30pm. We left our German Shepherd in the cage so she wouldn't tear anything up. I have a roommate staying with me to help him out for a few months. Anyways he sleeps on the couch and Cali (The dog) cage is in the living room. We came home and he said she is in my room because she wouldn't stop barking in the cage and he was trying to sleep. I opened the door to her cowered in the corner. But the main reason why I think he might've either kicked the cage or hit her is that she stares at cage and walks around it. She won't get near it... And she just wants to cuddle and lay either in my lap or at my feet. Is it possible that my roommate neglected Cali? Like what are any other signs to know?

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