So we rescued a Pit bull almost a year ago that was said to be an American staffy but wasn't, they told us it was but this is because in Australia Pit bulls don't get re homed once in the pound if you know what I mean. We got him from the pound and named him Flynn and since then we have spoilt him and given him so much attention that when we take him for walks my Mum feels bad that he gets all excited when he sees other dogs and that when she goes to work and we got to school he is all on his own the whole day. He does have playdates with my Mums friends dog but she still feels bad. Now she wants to foster a dog the same as Flynn that was pregnant and tied to the back of a truck then dragged a few hundred metres. She gave birth to 9 pups but couldn't take care of them so they were given to another dog that was lactating. The dog has stayed in a shelter for a while now and urgent care is needed but I don't know if it will benefit my dog. Even though it will give him a friend I don't want it to change him or make him feel jealous and less loved also I,m not sure I want another dog, even though it is just fostering we could fail and end up adopting :s please help!
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